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Indika House of Curiosity

Saigon 2016, again and again,

After several months of solitude in this immense city of concrete,

my curiosity pushes me to go and discover this place I saw online.

And there, frenzy!


An old courtyard, a sacred tree, dismembered dolls in the midst of neon lights and plants and plants and more plants.

The garden is crowded with smiles, a global melting pot, the blue bar crowded with people and other curiosities,

just as much as the stage where the musicians congregate to join an eclectic and bewildering jam,

and the orange lounge where people dance on each tile.

I feel at home there from the first moment. I observe, I don't speak to anyone, I don't know anyone.

I just feel, I vibrate, I feel my creativity coming back.


At the bar, this tall guy with the round glasses, smirk and ponytail, I heard his name earlier in the evening.

"-Hey Morgan, can I paint your surfboards on the ceiling? -Yeah why not, you can even paint the whole bar!"

Hours of pictorial gardening followed, growing vines and lights in every corner,

a cultural temple, meetings, a family, then a few festivals too ...

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