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Un Jour, Un Sketch

From Paris 2013 to today, via Vietnam and other regions,


Of a not very creative work, rich in meetings and observations, reduced to very little interest by my first trip to Vietnam,

I reconnect with my creativity by devoting myself to a new routine: Un jour, un sketch.

A countdown, to embellish the time, before the big departure for the other side of the end of the world.

Daily practice pushes technical exploration but also creates a story, logical and sensory,

like a logbook, illustrating my emotions, my meetings, portraits of outstanding people, in the street or in my head,

spiral of a summer night, dreams and nightmares, or philosophical or spiritual introspection,

but also my small tribe of women, sisters , who accompany me in my life adventure.

My exploration of the I by the id, my history perceived by my soul.

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